Beauty Is In The Eye of the Beholder!

Why do you Paint?  Someone asked me that not too long ago.  The answer is simple – I love it.  I love the beauty of a landscape, the simple sweetness of a child, the peacefulness of a sunset over water.  I just love it.  I really do believe that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder – do you?

Today I am making available two new paintings.

Both of these paintings were inspired by a trip to the New England area of the United States.


Beautfy Is In The Eye Of The Beholder - Bar Harbor



Since I am from Oklahoma where there are not too many hills and no huge bodies of water, I was truly inspired by the beauty found in Maine.  Massachusetts and Connecticut.


Beautfy Is In The Eye Of The Beholder - Peace Be Still


Peace comes from God’s Creation!

I hope as you view my paintings that you will consider making one of them your own.  My hope is that when you look at them, you will also recognize peace that comes from God’s great creation and recognize that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

All of my art is truly inspired by the beauty that God has created.  I am thankful to be able to see and experience His amazing creation.

Please feel free to comment and I would truly appreciate it if you would share my work with your friends.

God bless you!

Carolyn Whitaker

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