Whitaker Art


Beautiful Art Pieces For Any Home Or Office

Hello! I’m Carolyn

Photographer and Artist

I am a Master Craftsman Photographer and a self taught digital artist specializing in oil paintings. My tools are different than the typical artist. I use a stylus as my brush and my screen is my canvas. I work to create art pieces that evoke emotion, feeling and beauty. I love what I do and I love that my imagination allows me to create for others. My inspiration comes from life experiences. Whether it is a beautiful European street, a child on a beach or newly blooming trees and flowers they all inspire me to create something beautiful. I paint almost daily and work hard to perfect my art pieces. I love that my art can take someone to a special place their imagination. My prayer is that your home will be your sanctuary. If I can create an art piece that gives you a sense of peace and tranquility, then I have achieved my goal. I will be thankful and honored if you decide to welcome my art pieces into your home. I am a Wife, a Mom, a Grandmother and a follower of Jesus Christ.

How To Purchase


To Purchase Sunday Stroll or Tell Us Again Grandpa, simply click on the image right here on this page or go to the page, Limited Edition Prints.  All other art can be found on the page Shop Available Art by Whitaker.  Thank you for your purchase.  May God bless you.